Wednesday, 14 January 2009

marriage-divorce and all that happens in between

Tying knots
Binding of sorts
Living together
As man and her
Life is fine
But it’s a thin line
Of acceptance and prudence
For some time it all makes sense
Me making coffee
She ironing my clothes
Me coming late
She waiting at the gate
Then there is a whiff of Passion
It all leads to amount of tension
She doubting he double timing
He doubting she is losing
Wound and wired
It then ends up in fights
No talks, its all water tight
The home they lived is hell now
She wants to move out- just now
He tends to drift away
A lawyer is on his way
What a lovely term is divorce
Acts as a separator without a force

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wondering what made u write this...
but anyways, brilliant....