Tuesday 28 October 2008

oh my city

Whats happening to my city
Whats my city getting into
Violence spreading around like wind
Lives getting marauded by dozens
Pride is taking a beating in this city
Life is drowning like the elephant diety
Tell me whats happening to my city
Tears roll over when u hear a shoot out
They come for jobs and are thrown out
Where has gone the Maratha pride
Where is the Mumbai attitude
Of being the helpers and supporters for all
The shine of the queen:s necklace is fading away
Oh MY city – is this the way
Oh MY city – is this your way

Friday 17 October 2008

she seduced me

she seduced me with her touch,
she seduced me with her inviting looks,
she seduced me into a beautiful dream,
she seduced me into her silken bosoms,
she seduced me with the soft linen,
she - oh - before u have ideas-
she, my sleep seduced me to get into an arresting slumber

Friday 3 October 2008

music where they rest

The music plays here – so silent, yet profound
The voices are silenced for eternity, but life still goes on around
The sounds of the ruffling leaves, brushing against the branches
The sounds of the wafting wind, through the gates and across
The rambling of a stream nearby , the trees shaking gently
There is a stream of visitors to this place, all dressed alike
There are prayers said, flowers placed and heads down
For the cemetery is the best place nowadays for silence and peace to prevail