Tuesday, 29 April 2008

windows of reality are always open

Windows of reality are always open

We veil them with our visions

We do not want to see what is there

We want to see our version of what is

Life streams past us in one single rhythm

We make our flow merge with complexities

Living the simple way is not the way of life

Living with complexities is what one prefers

Why then the LORD gave us the smile

Why the reason to smell the rose

Why is there sunshine on the horizon?

Why are we still to speak the truth

What will life be if it’s a simple treasure?

Of love, trust, faith and blessings

What will life be if it’s just a simple flow?

Of patience, prayers and divine glow.

This summer I wonder where to go

This summer I wonder where to go, what to do

The sun is burning my dreams of meeting you

Where shall I meet you, in heaven or here

Where shall we be together, in Eden or here

It takes time for me to settle down, without you

It takes a lifetime to spend my time, without you

So I wonder, what I do this summer

So I wonder, where will this life take me this summer

To know that you have been away with someone else

Is a heartbreak enough, and now to decide if I have to live

What are the things I did right, I wonder

Was it the love I had for you, I ponder

When the sun sets this summer

I don’t know where you will be

But for me the journey will end

For I don’t want to pretend

That there is a life without you.

Sunday, 13 April 2008

Life- within you is your LIFE

What remains of the being,

Is never revealed in abundance.

For once death beckons,

Is the true self revealed.

See not if the future holds good

See not if there is one

Live now for now is what is true

For tomorrow, Death may just lay its claim

Live today in a way that only desire

Live today, with all HIS grace on you

Live today, with no tomorrow to view

Live today….Just Live


Within you lies the victor

Within you lies the whiner

Within you lies the liar

Within you lies the loser

Within you is the way to live

Within you is the way to destroy

Within you is the way to lead

Within you is the way to be dead

Within you are the dreams

Within you is success for sure

Within you are the excuses galore

Within you is the choice you make

Within you is the well of happiness

Within you the shore of sadness

Within you lies the wisdom

Within you is the path you take.

Thursday, 3 April 2008

Life and its colour is RED

Life- Ah! That Beautiful word.

My formula of LIFE -- Live=Imbibe+ Feel+Energise.

Imbibe the goodness from nature, the experience of doing good, from people around you, learn the art of giving and not expecting, praising without a payback, smile without a return. Imbibe the qualities that your parents, your teachers and your elders prescribe- you can always improve on the qualities as there may be certain qualities which may have a different impact for a different generation. Never lose your belief in the Goodness.

Feel for the surroundings, feel for the people, and feel for yourself. Feel the presence of the supreme power, feel your innate abilities to do good and believe that everyone will feel the same. Feel the positive energy in yourself and be the medium of spreading the positive energy.

Energise the surroundings with your innate power of positive thinking. Energise yourself to be the Source of positive thinking. Energise your surroundings with positive feelings, thoughts and energy. Always be in company of people who energise your thoughts, your actions in a positive way.

Having given the formula for Life, now you may wonder what is the connection between the formula and colour – well the reason is that there is One Life and you got to Enjoy IT to the fullest. Let’s not fight over supremacy of races and authority of spaces.

Let’s give LIFE the ONE chance to LIVE and LET LIVE and just remember the colour you have within and that I have is the same- it is the same in any male/female, in any race/caste. So why do we want to waste that precious RED GOLD called BLOOD by spilling it all over. Let’s give LIFE the meaning that it deserves.